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Writer: A Greater SocietyA Greater Society

MINERVA, a grandmother from Puerto Rico, was a VISTA Volunteer in the Virgin Islands where she taught and worked before retiring to Wynmoor.

With Latino and senior voters being two of the most sought after demographics in recent Florida elections, Minerva, along with her husband Ben, has become increasingly aware of their growing political power. The two of them are fierce advocates for the poor. They feed the hungry through their local church food bank and advocate for seniors as representatives of AARP.

Minerva and Ben’s grandchildren are enrolled in the Florida public school system and their daughter is a teacher in that same South Florida school district. As grandparents they are troubled by the course that Florida has set: will their daughter someday be able to retire with the same pensions and benefits that allowed Minerva and Ben to retire not that many years ago? Will their grandchildren need to scrimp and save well beyond accepted retirement age in order to have any long-term savings at all?


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